Monday, October 27, 2008

Football is OVER!!!!!!!

Whoo hoo!! Football is over! Although it is not my favorite sport (sorry Dole Clan), the problem has not been so much the sport itself, it was just time.

Ike's team advanced to the Division 2 (that's the 4th & 5th grade age division) All American Bowl (that would be the game for 3rd/4th place in the league). Last week was a crazy week at our house. Middle school wrestling started on Tuesday. In St. Maries only 7th & 8th grade students are allowed to play middle school sports. However, several years ago our middle school wrestling coach petitioned the school board to allow 6th graders to wrestle on the middle school team on the grounds that he had a small team & most of the schools we wrestle against include all three grades on their rosters. His request was granted with the stipulation that if his team ever got so large that they needed to pay another coach to help out, 6th graders would be out. That has not happened so Ike has been eagerly awaiting his first school sport.

The week went something like this:

Monday Ike had football practice, Cassidy had to cheer at a middle school football game (since it was the last game of the season the 8th grade players & cheerleaders were recognized so we had to attend in the freezing cold as well), and Kaittlin had drama practice.

Tuesday Ike had his very first middle school wrestling practice right after school, Cassidy had cheerleading practice, & Kaittlin had drama practice.

Wednesday Ike had wrestling practice. I picked him up at 4:30 & he changed his clothes in the car on the 6 block drive to football practice which had started 15 minutes before. He had football practice until 6:00 pm. At 5:30 Mike & I had to be at the middle school gym for club wrestling sign ups until 6:30. At 6:00 Kaittlin drove throughout the town & gathered all of her siblings & took them to the church for youth group...thank God for the 99 cent dinner at church on Wednesday!

On Thursday Ike had wrestling practice right after school & Cassidy had cheerleading practice. The athletic director from the high school called me at noon in a panic because the person who was supposed to take tickets at the JV football game had cancelled at the last minute & he wanted to know if I could fill in. When I pulled out my calendar to check to make sure I could I realized that Mike was planning on coaching at the first club wrestling practice that night & had likely forgotten that he had agreed to fill in at a state mandatory coaches meeting for the high school coach in Cd'A (the high school wrestling coach was coaching the JV football team). Ike also had club wrestling practice that night & Kaittlin had drama practice. We barely had enough cars & drivers to make that night work, but we got it done!

On Friday night Ike had wrestling practice right after school & Cassidy had to decorate for the middle school dance that the cheerleaders were sponsoring. Isaac had to go directly from school wrestling to football practice. Then everyone home to shower & get ready for the dance.

Saturday morning the middle school held a fundraiser for the wrestling program. It was a biscuit & gravy breakfast followed by a wrestling exhibition. We went to the breakfast at 7:00 am and Ike was able to participate in the exhibition for about 20 minutes before we had to leave for Plummer for his football game.

His football game went well. I thought they played pretty good. They won the game 38-20 claiming 3rd place in the league in the age division. Everyone on the team got really nice hoodie sweatshirts. We had to stay for the championship game so we could attend the awards ceremony. It was cold & VERY windy. My face still feels like it is sunburned!

It was an extremely busy week & I am happy we are down to only one sport! Middle school wrestling practices every night after school. It works out really well for me. He gets done about 4:30 each afternoon. I get off work at 4:00pm. So I usually just work an extra 10 or 15 minutes then drive straight to the school & pick him up. Their first match will be next Tuesday, November 4th in Kellogg. I think he is really excited to wrestle his first "school" match.

They also have club practice most nights this week getting ready for their first tournament on Saturday. He goes if he wants to go. I am actually there right now. I came tonight with Mike & Ike because I had to help sign up the coaches on line to get their background checks done, so this was a good time to blog. We will go to Bonners Ferry on Friday night. Mike's dad is still in Idaho which is later than any other year ever...usually he is WAY gone to Arizona by now. He will go to Bonners with us & watch Ike wrestle folk style for the first time ever.

The girls are doing well also. Cassidy stayed home from school today with a severly sore throat but seemed better tonight. I think a days worth of sleep did her a world of good. She is having a good time cheerleading & is looking forward to indoor sports cheering.

Kaittlin is doing well in school. Her hardest class at this point is Chemistry. She got a 90% on a test in that class last week, that thrilled her. She is taking the college CNA course. In conjunction with that class she was able to take a field trip last Friday to Lewis Clark State College's Health Professional's Day. She was able to choose her own 3 breakout sessions to attend on campus. She picked Sports Medicine, Nursing, & Physical Therapy. She really enjoyed the one on Sports Medicine & had a great time.

This post seems really long, but it has been a while since I posted. I have pictures to share (Kaittlin's letterman's jacket, Ike football, Cassidy cheerleading, etc), but no camera with me today....maybe in the near future.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Wow! What a week it has been!

Last week it was homecoming week at St. Maries High School, along with several other high schools in the region. On top of that it was also Idaho State Junior Miss.

Homecoming festivities included a myriad of home games....girls & boys soccer, volleyball, & football. As the coordinator of the Lumberjack Booster Club BBQ Crew this kept Mike very busy with cooking at all of the games...I don't think we were home for dinner a SINGLE NIGHT! The high school had class competitions all week. They decorated halls & had contests during lunch. On Wednesday night there was Jock Strap Volleyball, Powderpuff Football, & Deal or No Deal. There was a pep rally one day & the parade was on Friday. All of these activities were one big class competition (I don't even know which class ended up winning). One of the big competitions was the dress up days. Here are photos of Kaittlin from the dress up days (most were taken with her phone & emailed so I apologize now for the quality):

Monday was Hobo Day. This may have been her best effort of the week.

Tuesday was Cross Dress Day where the boys were to dress like girls & the girls were to dress like boys. She wore her dad's biking leathers & received several comments on her remarkable likeness to him:

Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday. Evidently that was an "anything goes" day:

Thursday was Generations day. The freshmen were to dress like infants, the sophomores as toddlers, the juniors as adults, & the seniors as senior citizens. Kaittlin did not get a picture this day, but as a junior wore a suit.

Friday was class color day. Her class color is orange:

Our homecoming football game was on Friday night againt Kellogg. We lost 0-27. Our school holds their bonfire after the football game. I think this is really weird, as the school where I went treated the bonfire as a pep rally the night before the game. There were several away games on Saturday, then the homecoming dance on Saturday night.

Kaittlin did not attend the dance in St. Maries. Her boyfriend goes to school at East Valley High School in Spokane Valley. It was also his Homecoming week. He invited her to go to his dance on Saturday. So Mike drove her to Spokane on Saturday afternoon. She & Joe went to dinner with Joe's stepmom (it was her birthday) & his grandma, then went to the dance. Here are pictures from before the dance:

I missed the last half of the week. On Thursday afternoon I left for Coeur d'Alene to attend the Idaho's Junior Miss program. As one of the co-chairmen of the St. Maries program I was there to represent our board & committee, along with several other members, & to support our contestant there. She did a fantastic job! I had a fun time, but was really tired when I got home late Saturday night.
It was a very long, fun-filled week & I am very glad homecoming comes only once a year!!! It has been rainy & cold all this week with frost, wind, & power outages. I have been listening to talk of the upcoming wrestling season & Ike keeps showing me catalogs with wrestling shoes in them. I think winter is HERE!